Join us for an afternoon of family fun with live music showcasing young and emerging talent from across Suffolk, accompanied by arts & crafts, activities, face painting and lots more.

A variety of local performers will feature throughout the afternoon in a programme that has been specially co-created between Britten Pears Arts and young artists.


Will Power, 12.15pm

Ryski, 1.15pm

Flores Blue, 2.15pm

Ziggarettes, 3.15pm

EL-Emcee, 4.15pm

Hurricane Wolves, 5.15pm

The whole family is welcome to soak up live music in the fresh air in the beautiful setting of Snape Maltings. After successful appearances in Aldeburgh, Framlingham, and Saxmundham, the Bandstand will be on the Henry Moore Lawn for an afternoon of local performances of many kinds.

Young artists are at the heart of this afternoon of joyful music-making. The schedule has been co-created by Britten Pears Arts and young creatives, while the line-up of solo artists and bands will be drawn from young and emerging local talent.

Stay for the whole time or dip in and out. As well as the music, there will be a variety of things to see and do, including Jojos Crafts from Home, face painting from Florence and the Face Paints and an arts and crafts station hosted by The Red House. Suffolk Music Hub and Suffolk Libraries will also be offering various activities throughout the afternoon for everyone to take part and enjoy. The Quay Hut will be open and offering an array of delicious drinks, snacks and ice creams.

Dates & times