Four Quartets on Film
Four films made by director Tim Hopkins, responding to the magic of string quartets by Judith Weir, John Woolrich, Joe Cutler and Helen Grime, presented in this world premiere at Aldeburgh Cinema.
Director Tim Hopkins was approached by John Woolrich in late 2020, asking him to create a response to his string quartet “Kleine Wanderung”. Tim recorded various studies he created in Paris, using paint on clear acrylic plates and sheets.
As the film evolved, he noticed a pattern relating to the action of string playing – abrasions between layers over time. Responses to the film encouraged him to make more. Judith Weir, Joe Cutler and Helen Grime gave their permission for Tim to respond to their quartets as well, and so this beguiling set of four films was born.
The hour-long screening is followed by a 20-minute discussion and Q&A with the director.