Liza Bec and Elischa Kaminer
A unique chance to go behind the scenes and experience work-in-progress from these highly collaborative artists.
“This is when we lost control, in the middle of the game. You asked, how do you carry on after all of this? And how long until the flesh and nerves forget and you decide to let go? Centre stage, everyone watching. You looked cute when you crumbled.”
Across a week-long residency, Liza Bec and Elischa Kaminer have been exploring personal and collective narratives of control and care through improvisation, composing and choreography.
Creative Health Residencies provide time and space for creators at all stages of their careers; a supportive environment to create, be curious, and try out new ideas. Open Sessions offer a unique chance to go behind the scenes and experience work-in-progress created during the Residency.