Spark events aim to spark conversation and promote networking.

In 2022, the government has published the second National Plan for Music Education: The Power of Music to Change Lives. It emphasises aspects such as early years music; cooperation between schools and other organisations, such as music hubs; and providing a variety of ways to progress in music.

Following that, Britten Pears Arts, Suffolk County Music Service and Norfolk and Norwich Festival Bridge commissioned the University of Suffolk to map current music making in Suffolk and respond to key themes in the policy paper.

Join us to explore the findings and recommendations. Our aims are to:

  • Understand the map of current music provision, music education and participatory music activities for children and young people in Suffolk
  • Identify the gaps and barriers to participation in current music making provision in Suffolk
  • Discover effective ways to increase engagement and create greater access to music making provision in Suffolk
  • Collaborate with partners to develop a collective plan for Suffolk until 2030

We recognise that by the time of this event, partners in the region will not yet know their role going forward, however it is timed to coincide with when partners will be beginning discussions for applications to lead the new Music Hubs. This event will spark relationships which to help all those working in the area produce an effective and collaborative future plan.

The event will be a mixture of presentation, discussion and networking.

Facilitated by David James, Associate Professor in Sociology, University of Suffolk and Callum Given.

Refreshments and lunch provided.

Spaces are free, but limited and registration is essential.

Closing date for registration: 17 May