The Swan
In the twilight at Blythburgh Church, pianists Pavel Kolesnikov and Samson Tsoy play an atmospheric programme inspired by the unique location and its cherished sunsets, including Rachmaninoff, Schubert and the world premiere of a new commission by Leonid Desyatnikov.
To Pavel Kolesnikov, Blythburgh Church floats in the landscape like a swan. This incredible venue inspired the tone and title of the programme, as Pavel explains: “Samson and I are sensitive to a place's energies and believe the setting is a crucial collaborator in music-making. For this outstanding, outlandish place we envisioned this programme that gently and insistently mixes times and narratives – a kind of a melancholic rite, a meditation on the tender ebb and flow of time, an homage to that surreal swan floating over the marshes and to the constellation of Cygnus above it.”
This unforgettable programme will transport you from evening to night through the mesmerising playing of Samson Tsoy and Aldeburgh Festival featured artist Pavel Kolesnikov – a must-see.